Reviewing My Favorite Mascara| Maybelline NY the Rocket Volum’ Express

You know how when you walk into a store (cosmetic in this case) fill your fancy little basket full of everything you want and head over to the cashier believing that you’re done shopping for the rest of the month and then the cashier who is conveniently surrounded by half a dozen interesting products thatContinue reading “Reviewing My Favorite Mascara| Maybelline NY the Rocket Volum’ Express”

A Review: The Colossal Kajal by Maybelline

The colossal kajal by Maybelline NY has been on my ‘to-try’ list for years(as in since it was on for sale). Unfortunately I could not find them anywhere in Japan perhaps because I figure its only available in the Indian subcontinent?(correct me if I am wrong). Anyways I found it in a store in SriContinue reading “A Review: The Colossal Kajal by Maybelline”