My “No Shoe Buy Year” and how I made it happen!

So around the same time last year I made a rule for myself in order to stop my impulsive shoe purchase. Shoes are my baby, my weakness and one of my crazy impulsive buys. While most people decide their shoes upon what color or style they need I base mine on pure impulse thereby I am a proud owner of shoes in interesting colors and prints. While most often I’m lucky enough to be able to match them to my outfits it’s not always the case since there were few that I had for years just because they were of such unique colors that I could not find the right outfits to match it. From Aztecs, to laces to the bold shades, the love for shoes is immense ain’t it?

Anyways I’m quite proud of myself for having not bought a pair of shoe in almost a year. YESS!!! I made it!! I mean you shoeholics’ or shopaholics’ would know how hard this is and what a significant achievement this can be soughted as *adjusts non-existent nerdy glasses in order to sound serious*.

If this sounds like an impossible thing to do and you want to find out how I achieved it keep reading *wink* *wink*
Heres all the deets on how I made this happen in case you want to try something similar or just curious like me. 😉

The first thing I made sure was I didn’t give myself a time span where I wouldn’t buy shoes because that never works for me. I did not tell myself I need to stop buying shoes this month/year. Regarding time as a key factor just never works for me because it makes it feel so long and the shopaholic in me would spring out and attack.
Also the main point here was to channel in my sane practical soul while keeping the shopaholic suppressed and the only way to do was to give myself a goal to achieve which was more substantial than ‘Don’t buy shoes!’.
I made a mental goal to only buy another pair of shoes when I have done wearing all the pairs of new ones I already own at least once. And…….. that worked. I went almost a year without buying a single pair of shoe! Wohoo!!
Last Saturday I managed to wear my final pair of new shoes and therefore I am officially free from my “no shoe buy time”. 🎉🎊🎈

In order to celebrate I went and bought myself this pair of gorgeous blushing babies! 😀



P.S: I needed a matching pair for an outfit I am going to be wearing next week so it wasnt just all in vain. I really needed this pair (and so she says every single time doesnt she! 😉 )





13 thoughts on “My “No Shoe Buy Year” and how I made it happen!

      1. Even I thought pastel pinks are restricted only for summer but recently, I’ve come across to an article wherein it was narrating about how popular the pastel pinks are taking its special space into the accessories radar like bags and footwear and hence, don’t worry about the seasonal variations as it is still roaring with high fashion even right now.

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  1. Congrats on sticking to your goal of not buying shoes for a whole year! I don’t have too much of an issue with buying shoes but this year I did buy a few pairs due to a shop closing down and having massive sales. 😛 All of them were BLACK though lol! Your strategies are similar to what I’m employing for makeup / nail polishes – I have so many items unopened!
    Those pink shoes are a fantastic way to celebrate your achievement!


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